​Discovery Camp Will Be Pathfinders Honor Camp for 2022! 

"Calling all juniors, senior youth and adults who love Pathfinders to the Pathfinder Honors Camp at Camp Arrowhead in Lexington, Nebraska, July 24-29," says Pastor Hubert Cisneros. "The purpose of the camp is to start and strengthen Pathfinder Clubs the scouting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You can register by either calling AdventSource during the week at 800.486.8800 or online at: www.AdventSource.org and click on Events and find the Pathfinder Honors Camp and pay with credit card after signing up for your honors classes.

There will be several honors to select from: Archery, Canoeing, Kayaking, Swimming, Pickleball, Basketball, Card Making, CPR, Drawing, Volleyball, Home Nursing, Model Rocketry, Crocheting, Aviator, Soccer, Flower Arrangement, Brain and Behavior, and everyone will get the Sanctuary Honor for the daily worships.

There is just a short time to sign up. Lodging is in cabins as long as beds are not filled or bring your own tent or camper for a reduced price. 


​JULY 24-29, 2022